Creating a consistent and healthy sleep routine is essential for your overall health. In fact, sleeping and waking up at the same time everyday has been proven to improve people’s mental and physical health. It has also been found to help people fall asleep more easily at night and wake up much faster since our bodies become used to the routine.
Why is sleep so crucial?
Your health and immunity improves the more you sleep
Good sleep decreases the risk of cardiovascular, autoimmune, chronic and mental diseases
You are more likely to be able to focus more, be more efficient and productive with your time
Poor sleep can lead to increased blood sugar levels and increase risk of type 2 diabetes
Generally, people who sleep better and more, have lower risks of mental illness such as depression
Sleep helps decrease the body’s inflammation
Studies show, the better you sleep, the happier you are! And the better you are able to interact with others socially.
Sleep routine starts as early as possible in the evening (schedule allowing of course but try to end your day as early as you can)
When possible, aim to sleep and wake up at the same time everyday
All electronics should be turned off an hour before bed
Keep phones and electronics as far away from your bedside as you can
If reading is what you like to do to unwind, make time for it!
Keep your room dark once you enter it for bedtime, reduce the lights on or dim them
For sleeping your room should be dark and cold, with as little light and stimulants as possible
Do you prefer to shower in the evenings? Have a bath? Build a routine and make it personal to you! Allow yourself the selfcare time that your face and body deserve! The longer you take to get yourself ready for bed, the better. Remember if you are rushing to bed, chances are you’ve winded yourself up and you will be too alert to fall to sleep.
Take magnesium before bed - check with your doctor as to what dosage
What to do if you wake up at night:
Make some tea: camomile, mint tea or passionflower tea, get up from bed have a little walk around or sit on a nearby couch
Get a good book and read in bed
Let your eyes rest, lie flat on your back and starting at your toes visualize each part of your entire body getting heavier and heavier as you work your way up to the top of your head.
Practice diaphragmatic yoga breathing! Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds and breathe out for 8 seconds. Doctors have vouched for this technique! With soldiers being the ones to use it most.
Think back to the start of your day that just passed, and in excruciating detail recall each action and thought you made from waking up until bedtime. Often your mind will get so bored you will fall asleep before you get to lunch!
If you woke up hot: get up, air your bed out, have a shower, remake your bed with the pillows flipped to the cooler side, as if you had not been asleep, change into fresh pajamas and get back into bed as if nothing was wrong. The calmer you keep your mind, the more likely you will be able to fall asleep again.
If you really can’t fall back asleep: Apps like Headspace and Calm have emergency podcasts for middle of the night calming.
And if that still doesn’t work, something I do if I have a night where I can’t sleep is stay in bed until it is late enough to get up, and start my morning bright and early. I’ll take advantage of that early morning knowing that by the evening I’ll probably be so tired I’ll sleep much more easily.