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We are Spilling the Tea on Green Juice & its Most Effective Recipe

Fresh fruits and vegetables are an inexhaustible source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. It is recommended to eat around five portions of fruits and vegetables daily in order to follow a healthy and balanced diet. However, many times the rhythm of life does not allow us to adapt our diet to the consumption of foods that provide us with all these health benefits; which is why a good alternative is to drink them in a juice. It is a healthy and fast alternative and the easiest formula to intake fruits and vegetables. Hence, it is important to maintain the ingredients at their natural state and make the right combination between fruits and vegetables.

This is my all-time favorite green juice formula; ideal for a heavy metal detox and to guard our bodies from free radical damage. The ingredients improve digestion and draw heavy metals from the body, purifying our blood, tissues and organs.

Spinach: gets rid of Epstein-Barr Virus.

Wild blueberries: help flush heavy metals from the liver and restores the central nervous system. Papaya: rich in enzymes and amino acids. It is great for digestion and for flushing viruses out of the liver.

Cilantro: great for extracting metals.

Barley grass: has the ability to extract heavy metals from your spleen, intestines, pancreas and thyroid.

Try it and let me know how it works for you!

With love & in good health,


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